Certified Health Coach dedicated to helping children and families dealing with chronic health issues

Through my own very personal story, I found answers and healing for my family when the traditional medical model left us with none.   It was a long and painful process.  My passion has become sharing my story for two reasons.  First, provide hope – healing is possible despite what the doctors may tell you.   Second, provide knowledge – in hope of making the next person’s journey just a little shorter or a little easier.

What Motivates Me

A Child’s Smile

My youngest child spent the first 8 years of his life in fight flight. His smiles were few and far between as he tried to navigate his chaotic world. His smiles and smiles of all children bring me incredible joy. Working towards a world where every child can smile freely.

Providing Hope

One of the toughest things a family can go through is a chronic health issue of a child compounded by the inability to find answers from the medical community they have depended on. Each child is unique and I cannot tell you what will work for your child, but I can share opur story and what worked for us. Hope is the first step!

Gratitude for Healing

I made a promise to myself when were were in the the most terrifying moments, that once we got well, I would do everything possible to share my knowledge and spirit to help other families. I cannot put into words the immense gratitude I feel for the medical practitioners and warrior parents without whom, we would not be here today.


Office: 484-888-5780

[email protected]


205 N. Benjamin Drive

West Chester, PA 19382

