
My mission is to support families when faced with chronic health issues when traditional systems have not provided answers

In the past we have relied on doctors and health practitioners to reactively FIX our broken health.  As our world is rapidly changing, many people are struggling with chronic health issues and are not able to find answers in the traditional medical system, often treating symptoms  without  digging deeply to uncover  root causes.   Without understanding and dealing with the root cause issue true healing is not possible.   As patients we are now in a position where we must actively participate in our health decisions, find the right questions that will lead to answers and take true ownership over our health.

Through my own very personal story, I found answers and healing.   It was a long and painful process.  My passion has become sharing my story for two reasons.  First, provide hope – healing is possible despite what the doctors may tell you.   Second, provide knowledge – in hope of making the next person’s journey just a little shorter or a little easier.

Over the last 15 years, I’ve crossed paths with some truly amazing people.   Angels who were there during the roughest days.   Some had similar journeys and some very different, but the two things we all have in common is the power in knowing that we can heal ourselves and the passion to help others.

 I continue to share knowledge and support for anyone who crosses my path but have not found a platform where people can share their stories, questions to ask, symptoms and root cause analysis as well as therapies/modalities that worked for them. 


Office: 484-888-5780

[email protected]


205 N. Benjamin Drive

West Chester, PA 19382

